The Surfer - in process of reincarnation
The Surfer - in process of reincarnation
See the bony mackerel atop my gourd.
Swimming high above my urchin board.
Always have I another fish to fry.
It's on my head e'en I don't try.
The most perilous waves I do ford.
May like me o'er your waves you fly.
May you long be youthful and spry.
May you never moan "why me lord?"
May you utter only a cheerful word.
May you accomplish whate'er you try.
I am papier-mâché, oyster shell, sea urchin shell, animal bone,
fish vertebrae, poinciana pod, resin, beads, ribbon and a twig.
My base is decorated brick. I am painted with acrylics and sealed with clear enamel.
H - 21 inches W - 11 inches Depth - 4.5 inches