When Asked the Meaning of Life the Priest Said “Ask the Rabbi”

H 13” W 10” D 5”

When Asked if the Rabbi Understood the Meaning of Life The Rabbi’s Wife Said “He reads the same cockamamie Book day after day, year after year. Now you tell me. “ H 12” W 10.5” D 5.5”

When the Rabbi Realized That No One Knows the Meaning to Life He Began to Dance 2 H 9.5” W 13” D 5”

The Learned Rabbi H 8.5'“ W 10” D 5.5”

The Menorah: A Symbol of Light

In Hebrew, the word menorah means “lamp.” The ancient menorah had seven branches—one for each day of Creation—As the story goes, one day’s worth of oil miraculously lasted for eight days. That’s why the Hanukkah menorah has nine candles: one for each of the eight days, and one to light the rest. The Hanukkah menorah is more accurately called a hanukkiyah.  One additional oil wick or candle is lit each night to celebrate the eight days of Hanukkah.

These are mixed media creations of raku, resin and paint with the main bodies formed from vintage metal rail road tie anchors from New England. The dimensions listed are in inches. The bases are granite.

Yiddish Curse “May You Grow Like an Onion With Your Head in the Ground and Your Feet in the Air H 9” W 15.5” D 4”

The Tenth Plague A Menorah Created on An Antique Stained Glass Window - SOLD

Moses Descending the Mountain with the Tablets H 9” W 10.5” D 4”

When Asked the Meaning of Life the Rabbi Shrugged H 13'“ W 8.5” D 5”

When He Discovered Than No-one Knew the Meaning of Life the Rabbi Began to Dance H 12” W 8” D 5”

Judah Maccabee H 11” W 12.5” D 4”