The Reliquary

The Reliquary


From far below, from Hade's aerie,
cross the river Styx, on Charon's ferry,
from not so very long ago,
to this moment here and now,
I bring to you this reliquary.

Yes, I am Lord Mandos' fairy.
Be full of mirth, for now make merry.
Though comes the day of our last breath,
For all true stories end in death.
Yet this day's for joy; be ye not teary.

Within my flask is unfeeling bone.
It once had life, now it has none.
It clung to something made it alive,
As all beings do so desperate strive.
But as always, Kali has won.

Chained to to misery? No not we
The silver side of mortality.
The sailor who never sees the shore.
The pained wretch who cries "no more."
From forever, all are free.

The construction is papier-mâché covered and reinforced with resin, Florida west coast Penn shells, a small reliquary, sea urchin shell, a small cameo, poinciana pod, beads and a wine label.

My base is brick.  I am painted with acrylics and sealed with clear enamel.

H 18” W 7” D 8.5”

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