Lazer - Vanity in Vilna

Lazer - Vanity in Vilna


Lazer from what's now Lithuania;
a chic helmet sat well on his crania.
With social media today,
there'd be no sure way
to prevent rampant Lazermania.

Many accused him of vanity.
This, he denied; "it's insanity."
One can easily see
how stunningly handsome he be:
for the picture he holds is young he.

The grand helmet has now gone to rust.
His comely face, withered to dust.
Lazer would tell us, so witty;
"How temporal is pretty.
In this we mortals can trust."

This incarnation of Lazer is papier-mâché, resin, marrow bone, gold thread from Paris, ribbon from Venice, doll's eyes from Mexico, beads, rusted metal, dried flowers, a cameo of himself, a ceramic icon from New Orleans and broken glass rod from Venice.

His base is brick.  He is painted with acrylics and sealed with clear enamel.

H - 17 inches W - 8 inches Depth - 7 inches

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