The Oyster Ballet

The Oyster Ballet


Oh, to dance the oyster quadrille.
Tis' most wonderous, truly a thrill.
While you’re home asleep,
we will make nary a peep.
When you’re at work we're here, twirling still.

Oh, to dance with the oyster troupe.
dancedom’s premier bivalvey group.
To plie and to leap
and not fall in a heap.
We spin and we prance and we swoop.

Oh, to dance the oyster ballet.
Oh, to star in mollusk cabaret.
It was always our dream
to be one of this team.
One day, we could be on Broadway

We are constructed of resin, oyster and mussel shells.  Our base is raku.  We are painted with acrylics and sealed with clear enamel.

H - 15.5 inches W - 12.5 inches Depth - 6 inches

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