The Snapper Who Dreamed Of Being A Flying Fish (or An Aquatic Lament)

The Snapper Who Dreamed Of Being A Flying Fish (or An Aquatic Lament)


Once I was a swimming fish;
'Til I spied a minnow; quite delish.
Of this bait, I did partake
and found myself a frying fish.

Oh, to have a snapper's fate!
Next, sizzled I upon a plate.
After I was duly served
my head was dried, thus preserved.
It is, after all, my finest trait.

Now it's my unending task
to swim upon this cheeky mask.
How I rue that I got my wish
To fly, a bird, not swim, a fish.
Oh, why did I get what I did ask?


I am constructed of resin, a mummified resin encased snapper head, shells, a hook from Brimfield, Massachusetts, and beads..

My base is brick.  I am decorated with acrylic paint and sealed with clear enamel.

H - 15 inches W - 5.8 inches Depth - 5.5 inches


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