Sweet Lips
Sweet Lips
I'm thought most elusive of all the fishies.
I'm also quite funny, I'll keep you in stitchies.
My hubris is needed,
I'm not superfluously conceited,
for I live in perilous ecological nichies.
Rajah Ampat was my Indonesian home.
Sharkies and cudas we've always had some;
But today we're truly frightened.
The danger is heightened,
Now that tourists in shippies have come.
I am papier-mâché, resin, shells from Fiji, mummified fish fins, beads, deceased coral and petrified fish taken at autopsy from a dolphin (fish) caught off Miami.
My base is dead coral and raku. I am painted with acryliics and ink and I am sealed with clear enamel.
H - 19 inches high W - 7 inches Depth - 9.5 inches