Pictures, Placement, Paintings, Pinnacle

This blog is about how we are still refining our site, new photos, upgrading the paintings gallery page, adding PRICES, and generally getting our little Fredian Slips ducks in a row

Well we are doing pretty well moving forward with our construction and creation. Madly taking photos to be sure the most current version of a piece is on the site.

Basically it can happen like this:

A piece is cataloged, photographed and on the website, maybe on Instagram etc too . All of a sudden….

Fredric is walking by Fredian Slips piece. He stops. He looks, really looks at the piece. He picks it up and says “do you think this guy/painting needs some…..enhancement?” Enhancement is not the word he uses but I can’t figure out how to spell the word he does use. Basically it means to add something to it, maybe something shiny, or make it taller, or wider, or add a bone, or button. Well, I guess you get the picture. All of the pieces will reach their pinnacle of possibility, They are all at one moment DONE. I can’t say enough what it’s like to see the creative process. A blank canvas becomes a city scene, an old piece of wood magically transforms into an incredible work of art, I will never tire of watching thoughts become reality. A dream or passing idea translated into a concrete and real thing.

So. We figured out how to fix the Paintings Gallery and that is a good thing. Spent some more time configuring a DNS issue with an incorrect Record A. WHAT? I know, what the heck does that mean. Well now we know what it means and it’s fixed so we can forget what it meant.

Placement, of our art on the website. Also, placement of Fredian Slips out in the world of social media. Instagram and Twitter @fredianslips and we learned about boosting, audiences, post click v page click, etc. Kinda fun but very time consuming. Guess it’s a good thing there’s nowhere to go now. And what the heck is an algorithm?

Since there are no actual art venues to show our art we are showing in virtual art galleries. It’s almost nice that we don’t have to pack up a piece and ship it anywhere.

The pinnacle would be a perfect website, placement and viewing, social media engagements. And those darn LIKES. MORE LIKES that’s the mantra these days. So if you haven’t yet……why not go LIKE @fredianslips

Photo: Evolution Re Imagined Man Series

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