Sometimes it feels as if we are imaging the Pandemic. We sit at home and watch what seems like the rest of the world living a semi-normal life (well, more than normal we are that is) Yet, we know many people who have contracted COVID-19, and we know people who passed away from it so it is real. Too real. The days pass by in a blur. I starting writing the date and day of the week on my water glass everyday.

Creating art is a kind of therapy. The ideas flow out and its exciting to see who or what appears. The time passes without notice and the days fly by. Fredric is jumping out of bed every day to get to creating. For the rest of us I believe we need to work to create a daily routine that is flexible but gives us a little schedule to follow. Something like: lounge on couch till noon than move to chair. OR lounge on couch with coffee till no later than 10 am. At 10 am spend at least 3 hours posting works on websites, exploring new ways to market, and liking cool things on Instagram. Lunch. Now, a sedentary morning should perhaps lead to ; After lunch run on treadmill or go for a walk outside. After exercise make some new necklaces. Fredric is not just busy creating COVID-19 art he is also creating pendants for me to make into Wearable Slips (necklaces). The next day switch it up, do exercises in the morning, than make some Wearable Slips, than computer work. If you are feeling in a rut one day just get up and walk around, maybe do a few sit up, or just a good stretch.

So creating the Wearable Slips chains with beads is my part. Fredric creates the cool pendants. The story of the Wearable Slips is that Fredric was making these cool medallions and figures to put on masks and other pieces. One day he says, “Hey, do you think these would make cool necklaces?” And we were off. A few years later we probably have enough beads to open a store. Yet…..I never seem to have the bead size/color/style I want. I have a feeling that most folks who work with beads find that. But, really, how many beads can one have? Never enough I say as I just order a bunch of beads practically while writing this.

Forget shoes: I NEED MORE BEADS.

So if in a rut just do anything different for a little while, or switch up that routine, if you haven’t ever made anything why not try? My grammy used to make things out of toilet paper rolls………but you can’t get those now - she would be so sad. But you know what I mean, pick up a pencil and draw, sing, listen to music, even taking a nap can be a routine breaker. Whatever you do remember that someday we will all meet again outside in the world. We will all be free of this, and I truly hope that there have been lessons learned and many changes once this is over. Stay Safe.

-Mary Elizabeth

Photo: Wearable Slip glass pendant

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