Covid-19, Creation, Construct, Conclude

COVID-19 came sneaking up on us all. Many of of us have lost valued friends and family members. A time of reflection, sorrow, and for some an evaluation of what seems to be important. We, like many of you, were in ‘lock down’ Quarantine. We could not leave our house. I discovered that in fact I could live quite well and never leave my house. Because of the internet I can order anything, and I mean anything, and have it delivered right to my doorstep.

CREATE What to do with all this time during quarantine? For an artist the answer is to create, and create, and CREATE SOME MORE. Imagine the excitement of watching sculptures form, paintings magically come to life, and to even experience ‘rebirths’ as some existing pieces were enhanced. Several new pieces are COVID-19 focused which seems natural considering the times in which they were created. Soooo the next step must be

CONSTRUCT. Enhance the website, get new photos of the guys (pieces) that had some cool enhancements. Add the new pieces. Also the paintings need to be showcased, currently they are not showing as well as they should be on the site. So I am constructing a new page/gallery so they can be enjoyed.

CONCLUDE. Well it has two meanings. The first we came to the conclusion that we needed to enhance the website. Fredric concluded he wanted to enhance some existing pieces as well as create new ones. (and an exciting piece of new is that he is having a few pieces done in bronze so keep an eye out for those). Outside of website and art we concluded that friends and family cannot be replaced by a zoom meeting. We need and crave personal interaction. Until we are able to really HUG our loved ones we will continue to zoom with them, seeing their faces and hearing their voices must be enough for now. Fredric will keep creating more great stuff, and I will try my best to get it all on the website for the world to enjoy.

We welcome any suggestions for making our website more user and art friendly.

Photo: 3D Sculpture: Man With External Hard Drive- Re Imagined Man Series