The Flying Dream - Second Reincarnation

The Flying Dream - Second Reincarnation


I have no name that you can deem.
By night I fly with shimmer moonbeam.
While you sleep I soar and I flash.
Fear not, you'll wake ere I crash.
I am, after all, the flying dream.


I am papier-mâché, resins, macaw feathers, marbles, beads, ribbon from Mexico and wire.

My base is raku. I am painted with acrylics and sealed with clear enamel.

The Flying Dream has been taken to the next level. Mounted on a metal pole the top feather hits about 5’6” tall. We showed it at an art show on a lazy susan so you can easily turn it around and see the back. If you’ve seen the Flying Dream before you will notice the mask has been enhanced and more feathers added.

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