Peace Offering to Crustaceans - in bronze

Peace Offering to Crustaceans - in bronze


H -11.5 inches W - 4.5 inches Depth - 4.5 inches

When 27 first I swam to a down to a reef, into the wild.

Wizened me now sees I was but merely a child.

Could not hold my breath

Almost foundered to death.

As I nearly drowned the spineys giggled and smiled.


In the many years since, with much glee and elation

The hunting of panurulis’s evolved to a main avocation.

Through many a summer, my skill sharpened and grew.

Lobsters – I’ve harvested thousands, more than a few.

I’ve stalked, snared and eaten, more than my share of crustacean.


Now as cataracts grow and my years turn to gold.

My children chortle and sneer, tell me I’m old.

At some future time, likely sooner than later

I expect to meet panarulis’s and my selfsame creator.

A glimpse of eternity I’ve begun to behold.


With this thought in mind, it could be most wise.

Make aqueous amends.  To panararulis, apologize.

I proffer a token of my respect and my love.

A heartfelt token, in the form of a dove.

And though I won’t stop, I’m truly sorry you guys.



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