La Sirena Mascara La Sirena Mascara - Front - Close.JPG

La Sirena Mascara

Ishmael - Front - Direct.jpg Ishmael - Front - Face.jpg

Ishmael - in bronze

Peace Offering To Crustaceans - Front - Face.jpg Peace Offering To Crustaceans - Front.jpg

Peace Offering to Crustaceans - in bronze

Maschera di Aragosta - 8.22.2020 - H 20.25  W 8  D 5.25.JPG Maschera di Aragosta - Rear - Close.JPG

Maschera di Aragosta

Janus Janus - Left.JPG


Catargatis Catargatis back.jpg


Call Me Ishmael - Front From Above.jpg Call Me Ishmael - Rear Straight.jpg

Call Me Ishmael Bronze Mask

Angioletto Angioletto - Rear - From Above.JPG


Snake Wrestler - Front.JPG Snake Wrestler - Rear - From Below.JPG


All Glory Is Fleeting front 2.jpg All Glory Is Fleeting close front.jpg

All Glory Is Fleeting

Uldis; aka The Jester; aka The Joke's On Us - Right.jpg Uldis; aka The Jester; aka The Joke's On Us - Rear.jpg

Uldis; aka The Jester; aka The Joke's On Us

Fish Man - Front & Back.jpg Fish Man - Front.JPG

Fish Man

La Concha - Front.JPG La Concha - Left.JPG

La Concha

Lady Codiva & 9 Peeping Toms - Left - From Below.JPG Lady Codiva & 9 Peeping Toms - Left  Close 2.JPG

Lady Codiva & The Nine Peeping Tomans

Angel With Many Faces Bronze Quizzical Face.jpg Angel With Many Faces Bronze Tuffet.jpg

Angel With Many Faces
