When Asked The Meaning of Life the Rabbi Shrugged Menorah Repurposed Found Metal

When Asked The Meaning of Life the Rabbi Shrugged Menorah Repurposed Found Metal


Well yes he did shrug. This Rabbi is created from railroad ties found in Vermont. His hands, feet, face, and hat are all raku (ceramic)

The 7 branch menorah is a common and very old symbol of Judaism, and is seen in artwork, carvings and synagogue decorations all over the world. ... The 9 branch menorah is properly called a hanukiah, as it is designed specifically to be used at Hanukah, to light the eight candles for the eight days of the holiday.

A menorah, which has only seven candleholders, was the lamp used in the ancient holy temple in Jerusalem — now a symbol of Judaism and an emblem of Israel. A Hanukkiah, however, has nine candlesticks — one for each night of Hanukkah and an extra one to light the others

Height 12 inches

Width 8 inches

Depth 3 inches

Weight 6lbs

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