Evolution - Re Imagined Man Series

Evolution - Re Imagined Man Series


Evolution is part of the series “Re-Imagened Man” Created from raku, and a nice chunk of re purposed metal. He is at home on land or at sea . Re Imaged man depicts possible upgrades to humans in the future

H inches = 9

W inches = 6 1/4

D inches = 5 1/2

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Cardiologists Dream - Re-Imagined Man Series P1110518.JPG

Cardiologists Dream - Re-Imagined Man Series

Re- Engineered Man - Man With Built In Gastric Bypass - Front & Back.jpg DSC06631.JPG

Re-Imagined Man With Built in Gastric Bypass

Man With External Hard Drive - Re Imagined Man Series Evolved Man With External Hard Drive - Left.jpg

Man With External Hard Drive - Re Imagined Man Series
